So the first thing I decided to do is try to figure out what I like. But, before I do that, I just have to say one thing. I cannot stand George Bush. Now, as for what I like, I like dogs over cats. Too bad I am allergic to both. Anyhow, it might seem lame to ask myself questions, but how else do I figure out who I am? Are there any Deadwood fans out there? I don't want the wackjobs, just the normal folk. Thanks. As for the reality shows, I have many laughs watching the Beauty and the Geek show. I don't know what it is, but I'm hooked. If you wanted to go to war George, why didn't you just serve when you were called? Fourth of July! I don't know where June went. I wonder why we equate patriotism with war and loud explosions? Anyone? Why don't we celebrate the great thinkers, composers, architects, musicians that America has produced? I love our servicemen and servicewomen, so don't start with me. I'd just rather they were here than there.
And I Am Who?
This is where I go to vent. Let off steam. Now that we have Pinocchio in the White House, there is a lot of venting to do.
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