Sunday, August 07, 2005

It has been reported today that Bush's approval rating for his war strategy is below 40%. Hmmm. It takes some folks a really long time to come around to the truth, doesn't it? The illegal, ill-conceived, half-assed war is beginning to get old. Now, don't go all "you're not a patriot" on me. Yes, I am a patriot. That's why I still live here and didn't move after the last election. I love this country. I don't love blind, stupid fanatics and others of that ilk. They are taking up space and breathing my air. No offense. Bush had no right to put even one of our people in harm's way.
The British beat us to the Soviet mini-sub stuck on the ocean floor. How times have changed, huh? Now anyone can just fly right over there and land with their rescue equipment and go to work.
The astronauts are scheduled to land in about 8 hours or so. I have no idea if this will be a routine shuttle landing or another catastrophe. That isn't good.


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