Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I am so relieved that Bush has accepted responsibility for the federal government's molasses- like response to the hurricane crisis. And it was swell of Mike (Brownie) Brown to resign. You know, it really was not Bush's fault things went so badly. See, he doesn't watch the news and he really didn't understand how desperate the situation was until a few days later when his staff showed him a DVD they put together for him. They got all of the highlights from the news programs and made a little show for the president. After he saw that, well things just started moving at lightening speed. So let's all hope that the next big disaster or terrorist attack can be quickly shown to him on DVD. Otherwise, he might not realize until several days have gone by, and by then, well people could be dead or something.
Now to a brighter subject, the new television season is upon us. Prison Break is very good. I am a Lost fan, so I can't wait for that to start. I also like Gilmore Girls, very good premier last night. I watched Supernatural, which I didn't expect to like, but I did. What I am really waiting for is Deadwood, which unfortunately won't be back until March. That is a sin. Football season is here of course. Our Bears are our Bears. They look good, then bad, then good...


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