September 11th. Four years ago, our world turned upside down. I watched some programs about that day and was reminded of some pretty incredible things. Like all of the aircraft (about 4000) having to land within 3 hours time. The president flying around in Air Force One so he wouldn't be a sitting duck. The pilots who were given orders to shoot down any commercial airliner that came within 30 miles of the White House. But, the thing that stays with me and makes me angry is the callous way the Bush administration dismissed warnings from the Clinton people and then from the intelligence community about the very real threat of a terrorist attack. I don't understand how the people who voted for Bush thought he would be the best qualified to keep us safe. He is the one who is responsible for the attacks of 9/11 taking place. He hated Clinton so much, that he and his staff would have nothing to do with anyone or anything Clinton. Even though they were talking about threats to the security of our country. On 9/11 Bush sat frozen in a chair in a kindergarten class, unable to think or react at all. This is the guy who about half of the people who voted in the last election think is up to the task of protecting us. How can that be? Now 4 years later, we face another kind of crisis. The storm itself was not the crisis, FEMA was. Because Bush can only imagine danger coming from Iraq, he cares only about the Homeland Security bureaucracy. He folded FEMA into Homeland Security and everyone who knew anything that may have been helpful after the hurricane hit, has left the agency.
George has one concern, Saddam Hussein. Maybe if we name the next hurricane Saddam?
George Bush is the worst president ever.
He is a coward and not worthy to sit in the oval office.
One man's opinion.
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