Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina is a horrific disaster. The lack of response by the federal government is a national disgrace that will forever blacken the reputation of Bush's administration like nothing else. Even 9/11 will not be remembered as the display of incompetence that this hurricane disaster will be. Americans died in the street, died in the very place that they were told would shelter them. They didn't die from the wind or rain. They died of neglect. I am sure that if this disaster had occurred in a foreign country, the helicopters delivering food and water would have been on the scene in 24 hours max. How can anyone justify the neglect that the people of Mississippi and Louisiana have suffered at the hands of those who are paid to provide help. George Incompetent Bush was the president on duty the day our country was attacked by Saudi terrorists. He sat on his little kindergarten chair, frozen, unable to do anything until someone told him to leave. How can people give him any credit for the country's ability to recover? He didn't do anything. The systems we have in place worked. This time, they didn't. That pretty much sums up his presidency. Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. He accepts no blame, seems surprised in fact, when things go wrong. George, you messed up big time. Clinton was impeached for getting oral sex. George should be impeached for being a dolt.


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