The founder of the Christian Coalition called for the assassination of the president of Venequela. In public. How funny is that? This is where George gets his cowboy diplomacy. And we wonder why some people view this country as bloodthirsty. You can't really blame Pat Robertson. He is afraid that left in power, President Chavez may try to help spread communism and Muslim extremism. What the hell century are we in? Do we still fear communism? As far as the spread of Muslim extremism, that will be a problem as long as some Muslims believe that our country is the enemy of Allah. We can't assassinate the leaders of all of the countries that may be the homes of such extremists. Can we? As expected, Robertson is trying to backpedal today. He claims he was misinterpreted. Right. There are so many different ways we can take "...our special forces should take him out."
And I Am Who?
This is where I go to vent. Let off steam. Now that we have Pinocchio in the White House, there is a lot of venting to do.
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