Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Everyone's an idiot

In the past 10 years, I have worked for several companies. There is one thing I have learned about American companies and that is that they succeed in spite of themselves. I try to imagine what would happen if people performed their jobs at a level that could be called competent. What kind of a world would that be?! It seems so outrageous, doesn't it? I know you know what I am talking about. What is up with the executives who cannot make the tough calls? Don't they feel like frauds? They should. One president I know allows his retired secretary to come in one day a week or so. She is useless. She was useless when she was full time and now that she is a part-time retired employee, she is doubly useless. He doesn't have the nads to tell her to stay home. Our sales v.p. is a loser. Our sales force is laughable. Our quality control manager is certifiable. Our customer service manager is a joke. The traffic manager is in way over his head. Last year was a record year for sales and profit! Can you imagine what kind of profits the company would have posted if even some of the employees were qualified for their positions? I have updated my resume' and all like that. But, I really need to win the lottery.


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