Every time I think Bush has hit rock bottom, he sinks a little lower. What a jackass. This war thing is really working out well, isn't it? We have achieved over 2000 American deaths. Go George! Cheney is finally being shown for the crook he is. He is the puppetmaster. Take him out of the equation and you pretty much cancel this presidency. The Republicans sure can maintain silence regarding abuses of power, corruption and incompetency when it's their guy in office. If this were a Democrat in the oval office, impeachment proceedings would be well under way.
Meanwhile, France is on fire. What's up with that? If all of the poor immigrants can't get a good job in France, WHY ARE THEY STILL THERE??? Their ancestors came over to perform jobs that no longer exist. What is keeping these folks from going home? France, or Europe for that matter, is not going to change to accomodate outsiders no matter how long they have lived there. Languishing in poverty amid prejudice is a losing proposition. Go home.
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