I carry a digital camera in my car. The main reason is because I pass by Midway airport in Chicago every day. I go through the intersection that is at this moment occupied by a big jet. I don't feel freaked out or anything...no thoughts of "oh my god, that could have been me!" I don't know why.
It took me about 20 minutes to go half a mile after work today because the plane is still sitting in the middle of the street and there are network news trucks and gawkers all over the damn place. The morons who don't watch or read the news tried to go south on Central Avenue and then when they realized that they couldn't, they decided to make turns from whichever lane they happened to be in. It's days like this that I really wish I had a hood-mounted machine gun. Just kidding.
Considering the number of planes that go in and out of that airport every day, it is really very safe. That's cold comfort for the folks who experienced the crash, I know. But, it is not a reason to call for closing the airport or limiting the size or number of planes that can use it. The people who live close to the airport know the danger. They don't dwell on it, but they know.
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