Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Vote

I just got home. I stopped after work to vote. It was a very pleasant experience and it made me feel grateful. I know it wasn't pleasant in some places. The documentary Hacking Democracy is a must see. I had no idea until I saw that film, that everyone won't have the same experience at the voting place that I did. Some people stood in line in the rain for 7 hours to vote in the last presidential election. In America. Some places had too few machines and so there were long lines. Some places had machines that didn't work. And some places had vote fraud. Gore actually had a negative vote count in one place. I am fairly confidant that my vote will be counted and that there will not be any fraud. I feel really good that I was able to vote on a referendum about whether we should withdraw from Iraq. I feel really good that I was able to vote to ban assault weapons. I will never take voting for granted again.


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