We'll See
I went to the orthopedic guy last week. He wants me to go to physical therapy and he prescribed an anti-inflammatory. He believes my problems are all related to the arthritis in my spine and should be helped by strengthening my core. We'll see. I figure I get the benefit of joining a gym, but the insurance company pays for it, not me. Also, I kind of have to show up twice a week, so that's good. I was inspired to try again to lose some weight while I'm at it. So, I looked into the Mediterranean diet, which is pretty close to how I eat anyway. Except for the fish part. I don't really like fish. I will try to find something I will eat, since fish is a staple on this diet. The main principle of the plan is trying to stay away from processed foods, sugar, and white flour. More veggies. Like that. We'll see.
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