Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's with the plane crashes? First Greece, then Venezuela. Terrible way to die, right? Knowing you are going to crash must be so terrifying.

Are they ever going to solve the Natalee Holloway case? Isn't it screwed up beyond all repair at this point? All three of those punks know what happened. If I were Natalee's mom, I would hire someone to snatch those boys up and beat the truth out of them. But, that's me.


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dreams:

Expect many more plane crashes. Helicopter crashed in Afghanistan. Natalee is most likely alive. Perhaps in Venezuela or more likely Saudi Arabia. Her soul may have passed though as her captors have killed her innocence. She has gone from covert slave of the american establishment to a more overt role as sex slave of the controllers of the american establishment. Bless her soul.


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